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Reviewing and publishing in big journals - both sides of the fence

Sunday March 03, 2024 | 06:00 to 06:00
Room: Zoom
Track: N/A


Authors usually have a guidelines to overall structure and content but what helps elevate the quality of the manuscript into one that editors/reviewers will rate well? Editors for transplantation focused journals will discuss this and provide the audience insight into what works and what doesn’t to improve their chances of publication. Furthermore, many transplant professionals are asked to review papers but lack formal training or much guidance to this job. The panel of editors will also discuss how they approach the task and provide an overall structure or framework for how they approach manuscript review.

Learning Objectives

After this webinar, participant will be able to: - Understand the key quality or features of any clinical or science research manuscript which editors are looking for - Strategies to improve research manuscript quality - Develop a clearer understanding of the role of the reviewer and strategies to critique and provide constructive feedback to authors

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